2021年9月16日、ロンドンのSt. Martin's TheatreにてThe Mousetrapを観劇(2時間20分、休憩込み)。史上最長のロングラン記録を持つ作品で、ロンドンで絶対に観たいと思っていた公演の一つです。
また、劇場も素敵でした。ロビーから既に雰囲気があり、世界観に引き込まれました。2019年にシドニーで、同じクリスティーによる作品・Towards Zeroを観劇した時にも同じ感想を持ちました。
On 16 September 2021, I saw and heard The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie at St. Martin's Theatre. It is the world's longest running stage production (69-year-old!), and I'm proud of being part of it.
I've seen the play once before, but this was my first time to see it in London. I totally enjoyed. I also liked the beautifully decorated theatre, which reminds me of when I saw Christie's Towards Zero in Sydney.
However, I missed one of my favourite lines. I should improve my listening skills.
This post doesn't include something about the content of the play, because keeping it secret is a promise between the actors and audiences.