先週に引き続き、Theatre Practiceの授業を楽しんでいます。今日の授業は中庭で行われました。ウォーミングアップのゲーム、自分の呼吸を知るためのエクササイズ、シェイクスピアのソネットや芝居の一部を用いたアクティビティーなど、盛りだくさんでした。
Same as last week, I enjoyed a module of Theatre Practice. Today, it was held outside: with feeling the air of a courtyard, we learned our own pace of breathing and the right posture, and we exercised with Shakespeare's sonnets and lines.
Again, it is not a training for actors. These activities are important for us as scholars to understand Shakespeare. I admire this idea and I'm glad to be in such an interesting module.