2021年10月19日、Royal Shakespeare TheatreにてThe Magician's Elephantを観劇(2時間50分、休憩込み)。家族向けのミュージカルと宣伝されていましたが、子供っぽいということはなく、笑いあり感動ありの良い作品でした。
On 19 October 2021, I saw and heard a new musical, The Magician's Elephant at Royal Shakespeare Theatre.
This musical is about a boy, who has been said to be an orphan but actually he is not. He hears that his sister might live and he starts seeking her. The plot about finding a sibling sounds like that of Twelfth Night and The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare. In addition, there were other characters and factors which looked like something in Shakespeare's plays. For example, foolish policemen looked like Dogberry and Verges in Much Ado About Nothing, stormy weather like Julius Caesar and Macbeth, an arrogant countess like Titania in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and a count, who was proud and made fun of, looked like Malvolio in Twelfth Night. I think there were such affinities because the performance was produced by Royal Shakespeare Company.