新学期が始まって一週間、授業は難しいけれど頑張っています。そんな中で一番面白いと思ったのはTheatre Practiceという実演の授業で、シェイクスピアの台詞を声に出して読んだり、動きを含めて演技をしてみたり、という点で他の授業とは異なるものです。大学院でこのような授業があるとは…と驚きつつ、楽しんでいます。
Having done my first week in this semester, I found a module "Theatre Practice" interesting. This module asks us to read Shakespeare's lines aloud and to act some scenes with physical movements. I think it's unique to have such a module in a graduate school.
The aim of the module is not to train actors, but to make us understand Shakespeare's lines more deeply through reading and acting. I agree with this approach, so I will do my best and enjoy the module!