2021年12月21日、Midlands Arts CentreにてShattered Faces of Piyar Aliを観劇(1時間、休憩なし)。シェイクスピアの『ペリクリーズ』にインスパイアされて書かれたという、バングラデシュ生まれの英国人の物語です。
On 21 December 2021, I saw and heard Shattered Faces of Piyar Ali at Midlands Arts Centre. The play was inspired from Shakespeare's Pericles, and it was about a Bangladeshi-British man searching the selfhood.
To my surprise, it was performed in Bengali. Then, to be honest, I couldn't understand the character's lines, but I liked how they used video images and music. They say English subtitles will be available in a few months, so I look forward to that time.
This play was written and directed by a friend of mine as a part of his PhD project. I was surprised that they had this kind of PhD project, and I admire such an international attempt to make a Bengali play at a British university.