2022年1月8日、Duchess TheatreにてThe Play That Goes Wrongを観劇(2時間15分、休憩込み)。「モンティ・パイソンに乗っ取られた『ねずみとり』」という謳い文句の通り、ある劇団がアガサ・クリスティー風のミステリーを上演しようとするものの上手くいかない、ドタバタな劇中劇を観て笑える作品でした。
頑張るけれど空回り、そんな役者たちの奮闘ぶりが面白い、というのは、シェイクスピアの『夏の夜の夢』の職人たちによる劇中劇を観ているようでした。また、最近の作品で言えばミュージカル『HEADS UP!』の劇中劇を思い出させてくれるものでした。
On 8 January 2022, I saw and heard The Play That Goes Wrong at Duchess Theatre. It was a comedy about a play-within-a-play, which was advertised "as though The Mousetrap has been taken over by Monty Python".
A theatre company (not a real one but the one in the play) tried to perform a play, which was like Agatha Christie's one, but it went wrong. That reminded me of the mechanicals in A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, and a scene of a play-within-a-play in Heads Up!, a Japanese musical.
If a play goes wrong, audiences would get angry. But when a play-within-a-play goes wrong, that makes audiences laugh. That's the essence of a play-within-a-play, I think.