2022年1月9日、Apollo Victoria TheatreにてWickedを観劇(2時間20分、休憩込み)。『オズの魔法使い』の前日譚として知られるミュージカルです。
10年前、ブロードウェイでWickedを観劇しました。当時高校生だった私は、一つだけお気に入りの台詞を見つけました。"Talent is a gift"(才能は神様からの贈り物)という台詞です(お気に入りの台詞と言っておきながら、冠詞aが入っていたかどうかは自身がありません、すみません)。今回もその台詞を聞くことができて嬉しかったです。10年前の私に「よく聞き取れたね、よく覚えていたね」と声をかけてあげたいです。
On 9 January 2022, I saw and heard a musical Wicked at Apollo Victoria Theatre. It was so great that I couldn't express enough how much it was great. Then, in this blog, I write about my own theatrical experience rather than about the musical.
10 years ago, I saw and heard the musical at the Broadway. At that time, I found my favourite line, which is "Talent is a gift" (although I was not sure it included "a" or not). This time in the UK, I heard the line again and that made me glad.
I could hear more lines this time than the last time. I found other favourite lines and new viewpoints that I had not noticed last time. For example, I wonder if the pronunciation of words such as "can't" and "cast" is different between the US version and the UK version.
It makes me feel my progress to see and hear the same musical or play a few years later. I like that moment in the theatrical experience.