2022年2月9日、Royal Shakespeare TheatreにてMuch Ado About Nothingを観劇(3時間30分、休憩込み)。私にとって、大学時代に演じたこともある、思い入れのある作品です。
(Caution: this post includes the content of a production. If you're going to see the production, you might not want to read this post before you see it.)
On 9 February 2022, I saw and heard Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare at Royal Shakespeare Theatre. I attended the opening night. I like attending the opening night, because it makes me feel that I am the first person in the world who witness the production.
There are some differences between this production and Shakespeare's original. Don Pedro is changed to be a woman, named Don Pedra. This change reminds me of the feminized Duke (Duchess) in Shakespeare's Globe's Measure for Measure (2021). When Don Pedro is feminized, it seems that a woman woos a woman in Act 2 Scene 1 when Don Pedra woos Hero on behalf of Claudio. I think the worldview of this production admits homosexuality, although it does not highlight it.
According to its programme, Margaret and Ursula, two gentlewomen, are specified that Margaret serves Hero and Ursula serves Beatrice. This makes me think that Margaret is closer to Hero than Ursula to Hero, unlike Shakespeare's original. Such Margaret, although she did not intend to, wrongs Hero. That boosts Hero's tragedy, I think.
With such differences, this production was surprising but interesting.