2022年3月22日、The CockpitにてMuch Ado About Nothingを観劇(2時間30分、休憩込み)。21人の役を5人の役者が演じるという大胆な試みでした!
On 22 March 2022, I saw and heard Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare at The Cockpit. Only five actors played 21 characters!
When I knew there were five actors, I had imagined there would be accordingly five characters, but I was wrong. To my surprise, actors sometimes change his or her roles on the stage. For example, one actor played Hero and Leonato in the same scene, and another actor played Claudio and Antonio in the same scene. They used props to express particular roles: when an actor wore glasses she became Hero, when she had a walking stick she became Leonato, and so on. They switched their voice and facial/physical expression well, so they looked like their roles indeed without changing costumes or makeup.
Here are the sets of characters played by each actor.
-Male actor 1: Claudio, Borachio, Antonio, Margaret
-Male actor 2: Don Pedro, Friar Francis, Watch, Ursula, Messenger
-Female actor 1: Hero, Leonato, Sexton, Watch
-Male actor 3: Benedick, Dogberry, Conrade
-Female actor 2: Beatrice, Don John, Balthazar, Verges, Boy
Although they changed their roles frequently, the two couples and Don Pedro, who were main roles, were on the stage in the end. When I saw the scene, I thought they made the casting smartly.