Shakespeare's Coming Home!というイベントに参加してきました。1769年に俳優のデイヴィッド・ギャリックがストラットフォード・アポン・エイヴォンの街に贈ったシェイクスピアの像の、改修費用を集めるためのイベントです。シェイクスピアの全戯曲と2篇の詩の朗読が行われ、その収益が像の改修費用に充てられるのだそうです。
I attended an event called Shakespeare's Coming Home!, which was a fundraising project for restoration of a statue that David Garrick gave to the people of Stratford-upon-Avon in 1769. The project gave us an opportunity to access Shakespeare's complete works (dramatic works and poems) both as audiences and as readers. I attended several performances as an audience, and I write about them in this post.
ルークリース凌辱 / The Rape of Lucrece
2022年3月2日、Town Hallにて詩の朗読『ルークリース凌辱』を鑑賞(1時間45分、休憩なし)。朗読と聞いていたので本を読み上げる形の上演を想定していたのですが、なんと朗読者は台本なしで全編を暗唱していました!脚韻などで覚えるヒントが散りばめられているとはいえ、1855行もの詩を一人で暗唱できる朗読者の記憶力は素晴らしいと思いました。
On 2 March 2022, I heard a poetry-reading of The Rape of Lucrece at the Town Hall. As it was said to be a poetry reading, I had imagined the reader would read aloud the poem with a book. However, to my surprise, the reader recited the whole 1855-line-length poem without a book!
She had good fluidity to be Lucrece, her father, her husband, and Tarquin. Her expression was like acting rather than reading, so I felt like I was seeing and listening to a long soliloquy of a dramatic work.
ジョン王 / King John
2022年3月5日、Town Hallにて朗読劇『ジョン王』を鑑賞(3時間10分、休憩込み)。着席して朗読する形だったので、ト書きを読む役の人もいました。芝居の上演では読まれない部分なので、「誰々が登場」「誰々が退場」といった言葉が読まれることは新鮮でした。
今回の上演には、Sir Stanley Wells教授をはじめとする研究者たちも読み手として参加していました。机の上で研究するだけでなく、実践にも携わっている研究者がいると知り、嬉しく思いました。
On 5 March 2022, I heard a play-reading of King John at the Town Hall. It was fresh for me that there was a role who read stage directions, which is not common in stage performances.
Scholars such as Sir Stanley Wells appeared in the performance. It means there are several scholars who work on Shakespeare not only by researching but also in practice, which I am glad about.
The only thing I felt sorry was that the performance was running late and readers read their lines quickly in Act 5. That being said, it was a good opportunity to hear King John, a play which is rarely performed.
恋の骨折り損 / Love's Labour's Lost
2022年3月7日、Town Hallにて朗読劇『恋の骨折り損』を鑑賞(2時間55分、休憩込み)。私の通う学校の先生方が読み手として参加していました。普段は教員・研究者として活躍されている先生方の、演者としての一面を見ることができたのは新鮮でした。
On 7 March 2022, I heard a play-reading of Love's Labour's Lost at the Town Hall. The readers of this performance were professors and researchers of the school I am attending. It was fresh for me to see them as actors.
Since the play has as many as five couples, relationships among characters are somewhat complicated, especially when being heard in a play-reading, which is less visual than a stage production. In this performance, however, readers tended to speak their lines to (the actor of) the listener. That made me easily understand the play.
シンベリン / Cymbeline
2022年3月8日、Town Hallにて朗読劇『シンベリン』を鑑賞(3時間30分、休憩込み)。これまで鑑賞した『ジョン王』や『恋の骨折り損』と比べて、芝居に近い朗読劇でした。着席での朗読というスタイルは同じでしたが、台詞のない登場人物も頷いたり、前のめりになったり、物を渡す素振りをしたりと、演技が加えられていたからです。手紙くらいのちょっとした小道具も出てきました。
On 8 March 2022, I heard a play-reading of Cymbeline at the Town Hall. It was more dramatic than King John and Love's Labours' Lost. The readers added acting, such as nodding and leaning forward, even when they didn't speak. They used small props such as letters.
The villain in the play is called Iachimo or Giacomo: it depends on which edition to use. In this performance, he was consistently called Giacomo. However, as for the heroine, she was called both of Imogen and Innogen, which made me confused. That was because the readers brought their own copies of Cymbeline.
ヴィーナスとアドニス / Venus and Adonis
2022年3月9日、Town Hallにて詩の朗読『ヴィーナスとアドニス』を鑑賞(1時間5分、休憩なし)。詩の朗読なので一人で行われるのかと思っていたら、7名の朗読者が3スタンザずつ交代で読むというやり方でした。3スタンザずつという理由はよく分かりませんでしたが、色々な読み手の声を楽しむことができました。詩は戯曲と異なり、地の文と台詞の部分に分かれています。読み手は、地の文はニュートラルに、台詞の部分は感情を込めて、とトーンを分けて読んでいたので聞きやすかったです。
On 9 March 2022, I heard a poetry-reading of Venus and Adonis at the Town Hall. I had assumed that one reader would read the whole poem as done when The Rape of Lucrece was read. In fact, however, there were seven readers and each reader read three stanzas in turn. I was not sure why three stanzas, but I enjoyed different voice of several readers. They read narrative parts and Venus's and Adonis's speeches differently. I thought they tried to read narrative parts neutrally and speeches dramatically.