2022年4月30日、Shakespeare's GlobeにてMuch Ado About Nothingを観劇(2時間55分、休憩込み)。最近、観劇する機会の多い作品です。(以下、ネタバレ注意です。)
5年前にもグローブ座でMuch Ado About Nothingを観劇していました。せっかくなので、前回と同じエリアの座席を購入してみました。同じ角度から同じ作品を観劇して、懐かしい気持ちになりました。
今回購入した座席は、Middle Gallery(2階席)のステージに最も近いエリアです。グローブ座のような円形劇場だと、舞台に近い席からは舞台が見えにくくなります。それにもかかわらず、シェイクスピアが活躍していた当時、そのエリアは"Gentleman's Box"と呼ばれていて、身分の高い観客のための良い席とされていました。その理由は、他の観客の視界に入るエリアということで、高級な衣服を身にまとった貴族が自分の姿を他の観客に見てもらえるためだと言われています。現在のグローブ座でも"Gentleman's Box"という呼び方は変わらず、壁の装飾は他のエリアと異なり豪華な模様となっています。見えにくい座席ということで、値段は貴族らしくなくお手頃価格で、私のような学生には嬉しい座席です。5年前にチケットを購入した時には、そんなことは考えてもいませんでした。知識が増えてから再び劇場を訪れると、新たな発見があり面白いです。
(Caution: this post includes the content of a production. If you're going to see the production, you might not want to read this post before you see it.)
On 30 April 2022, I saw and heard Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare at Shakespeare's Globe.
In this production, Leonato and Antonio were feminized and they were called Leonata and Antonia. I had seen productions in which Don Pedro and Don John were feminized, but it was my first time to see feminized Leonato. When Don Pedro said "I think this is your daughter", Leonata answered "Her father [originally "mother"] hath many times told me so". At first, I thought these lines became contradictory due to the change, but after that, I noticed that the change was meaningful. That was because I could see a clear dichotomy that Veneto (originally Messina) was a feminine world and Don Pedro's company was a masculine world.
Other than that, I noticed that Ursula, one of Hero's gentlewomen, did not appear in this production. I had played the role before, so I felt sad about her absence. However, her lines were not deleted. Most of her lines were spoken by Antonia and Leonata. When her lines remained, why didn't she appear?
This time, I bought a ticket for a seat in the Middle Gallery which is near to the stage. In an amphitheatre like the Globe, such a seat has a restricted view. Nevertheless, the area was called "Gentleman's Box" in Shakespeare's time. That was because the aristocratic audiences in the area could be seen by other audiences. It was like celebrities' seats. In today's Globe, it is still called "Gentleman's Box". However, unlike Shakespeare's time, the seats are not that expensive because of a restricted view. Then, I could experience pseudo-aristocratic theatre-going at a reasonable price!