ロンドンにある、The Theatre(劇場座、シアター座などと訳されます)の跡地に行ってみました。シェイクスピアの劇団がグローブ座の前に使っていたとされる劇場の跡地です。他の劇団の上演も行われていたようです。跡地と言っても、何かが残っているわけではなく、現在は"Apartments - Offices"と書かれた建物が建っていました。
I went to see a place where The Theatre was originally located. The Theatre was a playhouse in which Shakespeare's company, Lord Chamberlain's Men, performed their plays. It is also said that other companies performed there. When I went there, I found a building saying "apartments - offices" and there were no historical remains.
However, there was a bench near the place, and Shakespeare's statue was sitting on the bench. I took a selfie with him!