Anne Hathaway's Cottageへ行ってきました。ウィリアム・シェイクスピアの妻、アン・ハサウェイの実家です。街の中心地からは少し遠く、バスで行きました。シェイクスピアはアンに会うため、ここまで通っていたのですね。二人はどんな会話をしていたのだろう、などと考えながら敷地内を散策しました。
I visited Anne Hathaway's Cottage. It is a house where Anne had lived until she got married to William Shakespeare. The place is to some extent far from the centre of the town (we can walk to the place but I didn't have enough energy), so I took a hop-on hop-off bus to get there. When thinking that Shakespeare went to the place probably frequently to see Anne, I wonder what they're talking about in the place.