2022年7月23日、The Attic TheatreにてPygmalionを観劇(2時間20分、休憩込み)。ミュージカル・映画My Fair Ladyの原作となった戯曲です。
On 23 July 2022, I saw and heard Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw at The Attic Theatre. My Fair Lady, a musical and a film are made based on this play.
I had seen the musical in Japan in the Japanese language, but I had wanted to see and hear either the musical or the play in English, because its theme is language. When it comes to language, the female actor who played Eliza was great. At first, her pronunciation was hard to understand, which was good because she was a Cockney flower girl. While she practiced how to speak lady-like English, her way of speaking sounds strange, which was also good because she is in the middle of the training. In the latter half of the play, she spoke completely differently. I admire the actor who can speak various kinds of English.