2022年7月3日、The DellにてTwelfth Nightを観劇(1時間50分、休憩なし)。Royal Shakespeare Theatreのそばの公園で上演されていたものです。入場無料、予約不要で、アマチュアの劇団や学生のグループによる上演を誰でも気軽に観られるシリーズの一環だそうです。椅子を持参してしっかり観る準備をしてきた観客から、通りすがりに興味を持ってちょっと覗いていく観客まで、色々な楽しみ方ができる上演でした。このように気軽にシェイクスピアを楽しめる機会があるのは良いですね。しかもシリーズで!他の上演も観たいと思いました。
On 3 July 2022, I saw and heard Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare at The Dell. It was performed at a garden by Royal Shakespeare Theatre. It was free and no booking required, so I found it accessible performance for everyone. According to the website of RSC, it was a part of the series of accessible performances of Shakespeare's plays by semi-professional companies. Some of the audiences brought their own chairs, perhaps they were big fans of the series. Some of other audiences were just passersby. I was glad that there was such a casual performance. I'd like to join other performances in the series.