2022年9月30日、Apollo TheatreにてThe Upstart Crowを観劇(2時間15分、休憩込み)。シェイクスピアが『オセロー』を書いた時期が舞台の物語で、シェイクスピア自身も登場する劇でした。シェイクスピア役が登場するという点は、以前観劇した『サムシング・ロッテン!』と似ているなと思いました。
シェイクスピア作品への言及があった他、The Upstart Crow自体がシェイクスピア作品を思わせるあらすじでした。生き別れた双子の登場は『十二夜』を思わせるもので、シェイクスピアの二人の娘・スザンナとジュディスと、娘のように可愛がっているケイト(こちらはThe Upstart Crowの創作ですが)とのやりとりは『リア王』のパロディーでした。黒人の登場は『オセロー』、熊の登場は『冬物語』を想起させるものでした。
On 30 September 2022, I saw and heard The Upstart Crow by Ben Elton at Apollo Theatre. The setting of the play was when Shakespeare wrote Othello, and Shakespeare himself appeared in The Upstart Crow. The play in which Shakespeare appeared reminded me of Something Rotten!, a musical I saw four years ago.
In addition to some references to Shakespeare's plays, the plot of The Upstart Crow looked like Shakespeare's plays. It included separated twins, which was like Twelfth Night. It included Shakespeare's daughters, Susanna and Judith, and Kate who was loved by Shakespeare like his daughter. Conversations among Shakespeare and these three girls were a parody of King Lear. A Black actor and a bear appeared, which reminded me of Othello and The Winter's Tale.
Such a story was enjoyable for me, a Shakespearean enthusiast. Also, other audiences, who did not seem to be Shakespearean researchers, seemed to understand the parodies and enjoy the play. Since Shakespeare is a compulsory writer in the English curriculum, I think they are familiar with Shakespeare's life and plays.