2022年11月25日、National TheatreにてOthelloを観劇(3時間、休憩込み)。以下、ネタバレ注意です。
(Caution: contains a spoiler.)
On 25 November 2022, I saw and heard Othello by William Shakespeare at National Theatre.
The most impressive thing for me was that actors were on stage as anonymous existences when they didn't play their roles. (The exception was the actors who played Othello, Iago, and Desdemona; they played only Othello, Iago, or Desdemona.) For example, at the beginning of the play, the anonymous existences shouted to blame Othello for stealing Desdemona's heart as if they were townspeople. Also, when Iago speaks his asides, they were there as if they were invisible listeners. They had black costumes. That reminded me of a theatrical strategy to have "Black Coats" (versatile black-costumed characters) by Yellow Helmets, a Japanese theatrical company. According to the cast list, such existences were called "System". It was interesting that they were treated as non-human characters.