2022年12月27日、Bunkamura シアターコクーンにて『ジョン王』を観劇(3時間、休憩込み)。以下、ネタバレ注意です。
(Caution: contains a spoiler.)
On 27 November 2022, I saw and heard King John by William Shakespeare at Bunkamura Theatre Cocoon in Tokyo.
Female roles such as Queen Elinor, Constance and Blanch were impressive for me. They reminded me of Richard III, directed by Silviu Purcarete, a Romanian director, in 2017. Perhaps this is because both of the productions were histories with all-male casting (that being said, Purcarete's Richard III had only one role played by a female actor).
Elinor and Constance were similar to Margaret in Richard III. Elinor, who cherishes John as the King, and Constance, who insists that Arthur should be the King, have strong words for each other. They are also vulnerable during the war: for example, Constance gets mad when she loses Arthur. I think such strongness and vulnerability are the reason for the similarity among Elinor, Constance and Margaret. I also thought Blanche was similar to Anne in Richard III.
King John does not belong to Shakespeare's two tetralogies, but I could find similarities between the play and Richard III.