国立西洋美術館にて開催中の企画展「版画で「観る」演劇 フランス・ロマン主義が描いたシェイクスピアとゲーテ」に行ってきました。ドラクロワによる『マクベス』からの一場面、『ファウスト』からの連作、『ハムレット』からの連作、シャセリオーによる『オセロ』からの連作を、版画で楽しむことができました。
I visited the National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo and saw an exhibition named "Plays Enacted in Prints: Shakespeare and Goethe by the French Romantics". There were Delacroix's print inspired by a scene from Macbeth, a series of prints inspired by Faust and Hamlet, and Chassériau's ones inspired by Othello.
Delacroix's series of prints for Hamlet were inspired by an actual performance that he had seen. Then, I wondered whether characters' posing, costumes and properties in the prints were reproductions of the performance or creations from the artist's imagination.