(Caution: contains a spoiler.)
On 2 February 2023, I saw and heard Sakurahime Azuma Bunsho at Owlspot Theatre in Tokyo. It is a new play based on kabuki. According to one of the actors, the production has Brecht-like direction. At first, I got confused by the mixture of kabuki and Brecht, but then I found the production interesting because the plot reminded me of some of Shakespeare's plays. For example, the heroine's and her baby's situations are similar to those of characters in the romances such as Pericles, and the protagonist's characteristics such as villainy and ambition are similar to those of Richard in Richard III. It is often said that kabuki and Shakespeare's plays are somewhat close to each other, and indeed I found some similarities this time. I want to experience the kabuki version of Sakurahime Azuma Bunsho someday in the future.