そして第1幕第1場が始まります。ここでは、一番最初の"Who's there?"にあたる台詞がカットされていたことに驚きました。この台詞は、グローブ座のように賑やかな劇場で、開演前に談笑したり飲食をしたりしている観客たちの注意を引き付けるのに効果的だと思います。しかし今回の上演会場はプロセニアム形式のホールで、観客は静かでしたし、上記の通り観客の注意を引くやりとりも既にあったので、緊張感の漂う"Who's there?"がなくてもスムーズに劇を始めることができたのかなと思います。
(Caution: contains a spoiler.)
On 4 November 2023, I saw and heard Hamlet by William Shakespeare at Meiji University in Tokyo. It was the 20th production of a project called "Meiji Shakespeare Project," for which students at Meiji University perform a play by Shakespeare in Japanese once a year.
The opening was interesting for me. First, some students appeared on stage with musical instruments. I thought they were musicians but actually they were actors who would play roles of travelling players in Act 2 and Act 3. They met Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and their conversation told audiences that they were heading to Elsinore. It was an understandable scene.
Then all actors appeared on stage, and Hamlet spoke "To be, or not to be" soliloquy. I thought this showed one of the themes of the play.
After that, Shakespeare's Act 1 Scene 1 began. I was surprised that they cut the first line, Bernardo's "Who's there?" This line is effective to attract audiences' attention, who tend to chat, eat, and drink before a play begins, particularly in a lively theatre like The Globe. However, there was no need to attract audiences' attention by the line in this production, because it was performed at a quiet proscenium hall and the audiences already focused after the scene as above.
When performing Shakespeare in Japanese, the project uses students' own translation. Then, I wonder if who decides which line to delete: a director or translators.