(Caution: contains a spoiler.)
On 6 July 2024, I saw and heard Orlando at Parco Theater in Tokyo. It was a stage adaptation of Virginia Woolf's novel.
The novel is worth noting from the perspective of gender, but I thought the production included the matter of nationality, era, and civilisation, and the borders caused by differences of them.
I thought so especially in the gypsy's scene. When Orlando lived as a gypsy, other gypsies tried to exclude Orlando, because Orlando wrote, which was different from them. I understood that alien existence might be a threat when thinking about their lifestyle, but still, I found the scene frightening because of their attitude to leave out the person who was different from them.
At the end of the play, there was an allusion to wars, probably to modern ones. I thought it was persuasive because it was just after we saw the cruelty of excluding in the gypsy's scene. Similarly, wars are caused by hatred among different regions, religions, cultures, and so on.
Then, I thought the production was an important one for the modern audiences, even though Woolf live in the past era.