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On 5 March 2025, I experienced an immersive theatre titled The Sherlock at Immersive Fort Tokyo. I enjoyed the experience, which was different from that of a conventional theatre performance.
(1) About an immersive theatre: Immersive Fort Tokyo is a facility where people can experience an immersive theatre. In the one I experienced, The Sherlock, several scenes happen simultaneously, unlike a conventional theatre performance where audiences see what happens on the single stage. In The Sherlock, you can follow any characters, so what you witness may be different from what another audience sees. Then one's impression towards the show may be different too, which is an interesting aspect of an immersive theatre.
(2) About The Sherlock: The story is about incidents in Baker Street, London, in 1894. As Sherlock Holmes, Watson, Professor Moriarty and other famous characters appear, Sherlockians or Holmesians may be enthusiastic about the show. Those who are interested in an English culture, especially the one in the Victorian era, will like the show too. That's because characters' costumes and stage settings, including scenery and props, were well designed. Because of the meticulousness, I felt as if I were a Londoner in the 19th century.
After the show, I also enjoyed discussing it with a friend of mine, who witnessed different scenes from what I saw. In The Sherlock with different scenes happening simultaneously, what I see is only a part of the whole story, or what you see may not be the truth, deceived by the culprit. Such theatrical strategies are suitable for particular genres such as mysteries. Indeed, what a friend of mine saw and how she felt were quite different from what I saw and how I felt. We enjoyed talking with drinking a cup of juice at a restaurant inside the facility. For a conventional theatre performance, I also like to talk about the production afterwards at a cafe near a theatre. I think (whether conventional or immersive) performances can be a good topic for communication. 
(3) How I felt about immersive experience: I enjoyed being a part of The Sherlock. Probably because we anticipated that, many of the audience members wore Victorian-like clothes and I wore a frilled long dress too (to borrow my friend's words, I was like an English lady). I realised that I walked like a lady during the show. Audience members don't act as much as actors do, but still, they join the story. To be immersed in the story, we like to choose what to wear, tend to behave accordingly, or even show another persona.
I enjoyed seeing the show, joining it, and discussing afterwards!

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