2022年4月9日、The Attic TheatreにてMacbethを観劇(2時間20分、休憩込み)。2週連続で同じ作品を観たということで、先週グローブ座で観たものと比較してみたいと思います。グローブ座のマクベスについてはこちらの記事をご覧ください。(以下、ネタバレ注意です。)
(Caution: this post includes the content of a production. If you're going to see the production, you might not want to read this post before you see it.)
On 9 April 2022, I saw and heard Macbeth by William Shakespeare at The Attic Theatre. I saw the same play at Shakespeare's Globe in the previous week, so I want to compare them in this post. As for Shakespeare's Globe's Macbeth, please see the post from this link.
(1) What was same between two productions was the absence of Donalbain. Is it the common way of doing in recent productions that Donalbain does not appear?
(2) What was different between two productions was characterisation of the Witches. This production began with the scene of a battle, which was not written in Shakespeare's original. After the battle, a corpse lay on the floor, and the Witches were attracted by it. Such a scene was repeated in the last scene. After Macduff brought Macbeth's head, all exited with leaving the head on the floor. Then the Witches came and being attracted by it again. It was scary but a good way to express the Witches' characterisation.
(3) What surprised me happened during the interval. Every audience had to be out of the small auditorium so that actors could change the sets on the stage. At first I thought it was annoying, but I changed my mind: it was new experience to me so I should enjoy theatre-going including the interval.