2022年4月2日、Shakespeare's GlobeにてMacbethを観劇(1時間40分、休憩なし)。ウェブサイトで"the perfect way to introduce young people to Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre"と紹介されていた通り、観客を見ると子供を含めた家族連れや学生のグループが目立っていました。近くに座っていた子供も興味深そうに観劇していました。
On 2 April 2022, I saw and heard Macbeth by William Shakespeare at Shakespeare's Globe. As it was advertised as "the perfect way to introduce young people to Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre", audiences included a lot of families with children and groups of students. A child who was sitting near me seemed to enjoy the performance.
Although I had imagined it could be childish before the performance, their lines were actually faithful to Shakespeare's original. That being said, there were slight changes, so I will write about them in this post.
(1) Deleting some characters: To make the performance shorter perhaps, they deleted some characters and accordingly some lines. Donalbain did not appear in this performance, so Malcolm was the only prince. Also, Siward and his son did not appear.
(2) Consideration for children: The performance was less bloody, which I imagine was consideration for children. There was a change in Macduff's family's scene. A messenger who came to tell Lady Macduff to fly, exited with Macduff's and Lady Macduff's baby. Then the baby was not killed on stage and that made the scene less cruel at least visually.
At first, I thought Macbeth was a hard play for children. However, its theme is simple and understandable. Thanks to this production, I found the play enjoyable if there is such consideration for children.