2023年8月23日、シアタークリエにて『SHINE SHOW!』を観劇(2時間50分、休憩込み)。以下、ネタバレ注意です。
バックステージもののコメディーと言えば、2015年と2018年に観劇したミュージカル『HEADS UP!』を思い出しました。ミュージカルの舞台裏を描くか、イベントの舞台裏を描くかという違いはありましたが、ステージに賭けるスタッフや出演者の思いを描くというところは同じだと思います。どちらの作品も楽しめたので、私はバックステージものが好きなのだなと再認識しました。
(Caution: contains a spoiler.)
On 23 August 2023, I saw and heard Shine Show! at Theatre Creation in Tokyo.
(1) Genre: It was a comedy, showing backstage and onstage of an amateur karaoke contest. Actors who played competitors sang songs, so of course there was music, but the production was labelled as a comedy rather than a musical, according to the programme. I found it plausible because musicals are in which songs show characters' changeable feelings and comedies focus on situations rather than feelings, and the production was the latter. Focusing on backstage, it reminded me of Heads Up!, a Japanese musical. I enjoyed both, so I think I like backstage plays (including musicals) a lot.
(2) Playscript: As it was a story about karaoke contest, there were a lot of Japanese popular songs. Every generation among audience seemed to enjoy these songs. That being said, it was not just a collection of hits but the selection and allocation of songs were good, because each song matched each scene. Then, I though the playscript was well written; the allocation of songs was the playwright's decision, not the director's.
(3) Direction: The director's strategy was also interesting. Audience attending the play was treated as if they were listeners of the contest and the theatre turned into the venue of the contest. For example, the actor who played the host of the contest delivered pre-show and post-show announcements. Also, guessing who to be the winner of the contest was an exciting moment among audience.
Although the ticket cost a lot, it was worthy because we were entertained by many famous actors' singing. It was like a gorgeous concert or a show. In addition, the playscript and direction were wonderful.