ロンドンにあるヴィクトリア・アンド・アルバート・ミュージアムを訪れました。時代別、地域別、展示物のジャンル別に様々な展示室がありましたが、一番興味深かったのはTheatre & Performanceの展示室です。「パフォーマンス」の指す範囲は演劇、ミュージカル、映画、舞踊と幅広く、ポスター、衣装、舞台セットの模型、劇場の模型など色々な展示物を見ることができました。
I visited Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Among various exhibition rooms, the most interesting room for me was the one called "Theatre & Performance". The word "performance" included play, musical, film, and dance. There were posters, costumes, miniatures of stage sets, miniatures of theatres, and so forth.
I was glad when I found the costumes used in Matilda, which I saw in the previous day, and the costume of Elphaba in Wicked, which is one of my favourite musicals.
The miniatures of theatres looked real. When I saw the one of Shakespeare's Globe, I was thinking "I sat on this seat on the other day" and "I sat on that seat another time" with looking at a particular part of the miniature.