2022年8月6日、National TheatreにてMuch Ado About Nothingを観劇(2時間40分、休憩込み)。Royal Shakespeare Company、Shakespeare's Globe、National Theatreという三つの大きな劇団(劇場)が同じ年に同じ作品を立て続けに上演しているので、作品選びのトレンドが気になります。Royal Shakespeare Companyの上演の感想はこちら、Shakespeare's Globeで観劇した時の感想はこちらからどうぞ。
演じたことがある役として、侍女のアーシュラにはいつも注目してしまいます。Shakespeare's Globeでの上演では役がカットされていて寂しい思いをしましたが、今回の上演でも、カットこそされなかったものの出番は少なかったです。具体的には第3幕第1場で、原作ではもう一人の侍女・マーガレットがビアトリスを呼びに行き、ヒアローとアーシュラがビアトリスを騙します。個人的には、アーシュラの一番の見せ場だと思っています。そんな第3幕第1場ですが、今回の上演では、マーガレットとアーシュラの役割が入れ替わっていました。アーシュラはビアトリスを呼びに行くだけで、ビアトリスを騙すという見せ場はマーガレットに持っていかれてしまいました。演出家の意図が気になるところです。
On 6 August 2022, I saw and heard Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare at National Theatre. I have seen the play frequently. You can compare the productions from these links: here for the production by Royal Shakespeare Company, and here for the one by Shakespeare's Globe.
In this production by National Theatre, Antonio was feminized and called Antonia. In addition, she was not Leonato's sister but his wife (accordingly, Hero's mother). Some of Leonato's lines were allocated to Antonia in this production. Leonato's lines about Hero's marriage were spoken by Antonia, and lines about Hero's chastity were still Leonato's lines. Such an attempt made their characterisation clear: Antonia was a mother who thinks about her daughter's marriage seriously, and Leonato was a father who cherished the family's honour.
Another thing that I found interesting was exchangeable two gentlewomen: Ursula and Margaret. In act 3 scene 1 in Shakespeare's original, Margaret exits to fetch Beatrice at the beginning of the scene, and during the scene Ursula speaks a lot with Hero to make Beatrice think that Benedick loves her. However, in this production, Ursula exited at the beginning of the scene and Margaret spoke with Hero. This change made Ursula spoke less. I wondered what made the director and/or the dramaturg decide to do so.