2022年11月3日、Barbican TheatreにてMy Neighbour Totoroを観劇(2時間35分、休憩込み)。以下、ネタバレ注意です。
トトロをどのように表現するのか気になっていました。周りの観客もおそらくそうで、トトロが初めて登場した時には、待ってましたと言わんばかりの拍手が沸き起こっていました。トトロは、10人ほどの人形使いによって動かされていました。予想以上に大きかったです。表情や手の動き、耳の動きなどが丁寧に表現されていて、人形の動かし方が上手いと思いました。昨年観劇した、同じRSCによるThe Magician's Elephantに登場した象の動きを思い出しました。
観客のほとんどは現地の人だったと思います。日本の作品が元になっているので、9月に観劇したA Night At The Kabukiの時のように日本人だらけだったらどうしようと思っていたのですが、そうではありませんでした。小学生くらいの団体から、子供連れの家族、大人同士の観客など、色々なグループが観に来ていました。そんな観客の反応で意外だったのは、(トトロは別として)カンタが一番人気だったということです。イギリス人からするとシャイすぎて面白いのかなと思いました。日本でも上演してくれたら、観客の反応を比較してみたいです。
(Caution: contains a spoiler.)
On 3 November 2022, I saw and heard My Neighbour Totoro by Royal Shakespeare Company at Barbican Theatre.
I wondered how to express Totoro, a creature. When Totoro appeared on stage for the first time, audiences welcomed it with huge applause. Totoro, which was much bigger than I had expected, was manipulated by around ten puppeteers. It reminded me of the elephant in The Magician's Elephant by RSC in 2021; I thought the company was good at puppetry.
It was performed in English, but most of the actors were Japanese or Asian. According to the profiles of them in the programme, they were actors based in the UK, rather than Japanese- or Asian-based actors visited London for the production. I was surprised but pleased that there were many Japanese and Asian actors who had jobs in the UK.
Although it was a production including Japanese elements, most of the audience members were local people (at least Western people), unlike when I saw A Night At The Kabuki this September, which also included Japanese elements. There were variety kinds of audience members: school groups, families with small children, and groups of adults. Hearing the audiences' responses, I was surprised that Kanta, Satsuki and Mei's neighbour, was the most popular character, apart from Totoro. I assumed he was so shy for English audiences that he looked comical. If the production comes to Japan, I'd like to compare the audiences' responses between in the UK and in Japan.